Monday, October 24, 2011

Things To Do in a Dental Emergency

Most Americans have encountered a dental emergency at some point during their lifetime. Getting to a dentist immediately is always the best choice. However, sometimes the situation you are in can prevent you from receiving prompt attention. If you have a dental emergency, check out these tips to help save your teeth until you can get to the dentist.

Tooth Knocked Out
The first rule of thumb when having a tooth knocked out is to find the tooth. The tooth can often be reattached, but the tooth needs to be preserved properly to prevent further damage. Handle the tooth carefully by only the crown and avoid touching the root. The tooth also needs to be kept moist which can be accomplished by either placing it back into the empty tooth socket or storing it in milk until you reach a dentist.

Tooth Pain
For sensitive teeth in good shape, utilize oral products made for sensitive teeth. For more severe pain, the possibility of infection is high, especially if the pain is combined with warmth and swelling. Applying oral pain gel, taking over the counter pain relievers and applying ice packs can help reduce the pain. Rinsing with warm salt water several times a day will also help to reduce pain and help flush the infection. However, infections can be dangerous to your overall health and a dentist visit is necessary to address the issue.

Lost Crown or Filling
If a filling or crown becomes dislodged, make a dental appointment right away to have it fixed. Do not try to put a filling back in, but do keep it to bring to the dentist. Crowns can be costly, so try to hold on to a crown if it falls out. You can purchase and use temporary dental adhesive to reattach the crown until you get to the dentist for a proper fix.

Object Wedged Between Teeth
If food or something else becomes wedged between your teeth, then first try to dislodge the object by rinsing with warm water and gently using dental floss. Never use any sharp object between teeth as it may puncture the gum or harm the surface of the tooth.

If you have a dental emergency, be sure to follow each of these tips and see a dentist as soon as possible. Doing so may help prevent further and more serious pain and save you money on emergency procedures that would otherwise need to be performed.

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